Road Trippin'
O.K. sorry guys for not keeping you up to date, we could come up with some kind of elaborate excuse but the truth is we are just lazy!! So after Taupo we had a choice either go to the west coast and check out mt Egmont where the weather is not great or we cruise down the east coast where the sunshine lies, what a tough decission that was!!!! well, 2000km of vast endless road with truly breathtaking scenery, camping up anywhere we could find and meeting some really cool people along the way,and then finally ending up at Bearing head for some far out windy bouldering by the beach which was awsome. By the end of the road trip we were nacked, too much driving really takes it out of ya!!! So thats the end of north island, only been out for under a month and already some unforgetable memories, SWEEEET!!...
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