nic and toms excellent adventure

Nic and Toms online journal of the New zealand and South east Asia trip. Hope you guys all enjoy. please feel free to leave comments on here. Oh yea if you wanna see the pics bigger just click on them. Cheers, Tom

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is Our Reality Pic's.

As promised some more pics for you to enjoy, so this is the offical last entry. We will keep you updated on our next adventures becuase we aint finished with the traveling game just yet. See you all later!!
To get to Ton Sai you need one of these. A long boat! They are real fun to ride in but are so noisey.

A day at the market, the chicken was real good.

If your not climbing you might aswell come and spend a day here on Pra nang beach!

Getting the locals involved in rest day activites, 'The slack line'.

Tom on one of the beach classics at Dum's Kitchen. 'The Lion King' 6c+

Tom showing how it should be done on the Ton Sai wall climbing the mega classic 'Hin Rong Hai' (crying rock) 6c.

One of the most atmospheric climbs we done in Thailand this climb is actually in a cave you feel like the cave is swallowing you up. Tom climbing on 'Best Route in Minnesota' The Escher wall 6c.

Same climb, different climber (nic) but the shot was taken in a different direction.

Night time entertainment!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This Is Our Reality

Ok, here it is the last blog entry of what we can only say has been the ultimate trip of a life time (but we will try to up load some more pics for you so prehaps this is the second from last entry).
Sorry for the delay but we are still adjusting to home life again but we seem to be settling in all right. Oh yeah so back to that ultimate trip thingy. In total I spent six weeks in Thailand and Tom had just over 4 weeks we had a few problems with our tickets but thats a very long and boring story so we aint gonna go there, but ths why we couldnt come home together.
For us it seemed that Thailand had it all once you were on Ton Sai the rest of the world was soon forgotten you some how fall into this perfect little paradise that all climbers and travelers dream about.
It didnt matter if you were climbing real hard grades or if you were just starting out everyone gives you a cheer if your on a climb or offer you advice. In the evening the 'sports action' would begin where all the climbers would try to send there projects which they have been working for a few days the conditions would usually be perfect the fact the sun had gone down was the main key and this light breeze would pick up and keep the mozzies away. And if you managed to get to the top huge cheers would bellow out at the base of the cliffs from the spectaters. To be honest I think thats what is so special about climbing at Ton Sai apart from the huge mass of climbing that is to be done there the atmosphere that the people make is inspiring and it does help you get to the top!
After a big day out at the crags we would all meet up in the evening at a restaurant and gather around a huge table to indulge in some dam fine thai food and chat about the days events and it was always washed down with a banana smoothie. And hey geuss what the next day it would all happen again.
So there it is, we cant believe that its over a truly life changing experience. To all of the people that kept in touch with us via this blog and emails we thank you so much for the messages and of course to all the people we met and the great friends we made through out the last six months. All you made our dream come true.
To all of you who are still out there continue to have a great time and to those who are back we shall see ya soon!!!
We are the dudes and we do abide, take her easy!!
Nothing but a bunch of beach bums.

The lagoon, which was a right mission to get to but well worth the effort.

Our bungalow. Not bad for just over £2 a night!

Nic on 'Blind, Deaf and Dumb' 7b+

This is what it was all about. Great climbing, great views.

One of many great days at a cragg, Us and the guys at a crag called

'Hidden World'.

Spot the climber, oh and whats that underneath. Thats where the bar is!

On the same climb as above but a bit higher. This is the part where the holds on the main face run out and you have to turn onto the staligtite behind you.

This is the cliff face where the last two pics were taken. The climb finishes about 3/4 of the way up this huge cliff and is one of the must do climbs here titled 'Humanality' 6b+.