nic and toms excellent adventure

Nic and Toms online journal of the New zealand and South east Asia trip. Hope you guys all enjoy. please feel free to leave comments on here. Oh yea if you wanna see the pics bigger just click on them. Cheers, Tom

Sunday, April 16, 2006


So we have been in Wanaka for about a week now, the weather has cheered up so we have been busy climbing around the different areas. Been meeting loads of fab people and making some great friends. We decided to do a little day walk to Rob Roy glacier which took us through some lush forest areas, beside beautiful calm rivers to some hectic rapids, then up to the high point for a breath taking view of the glacier. Accompanied with apples and chocolate from Martin, an Itallian guy (who cant speak itallian). When we got back we decided to sooth our aches and checked out the local spa and hot pools which is only $6 for however long you want, we are becoming quite addicted.
The last couple of nights we have been staying with some friends, Tim and Ako who live a little out of the way of Wanaka in a mongolian tent, equiped with wood burner toilet and shower, its such a sweet set up we had a huge fire outside one night and had a go with some fire pois, hand hair has been lost!!!
We will be off to do a 3 day trek in a couple of days, just got to get little ol Charllotte through her WOF (MOT). fingers croosed she'll make it. Enjoy the pics below;
rained off at mt cook so, went back to the lake. Time for toastie pies with friends
Mt Cook On the way to Wanaka
Our riverside camp, 2mins walk from the climbing!
Most sites come with luxory en-suite facillities
Puzzling World. Im actually standing up straight here
Executive morning meeting
the river by our camp
A view throgh the trees to Rob Roy glacier


At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright guys! glad your having a blast still, the 6th picture down confuses me quite a bit haha. life here doesnt change much im afraid, wish i was out there with you!

ps. tom - booking my download ticket this week, jelous?

take it easy

preston x

At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello!!!! How are you? looks like your having a wicked time! im so jealous! when do you get back, cant believe i missed your leaving thingy, gutted! take care on them big ole rocks!!!! much love homie

Lil xxx

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey boys! thanks for the good time!
nice homepage!!!!
I'll miss your company:-)



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