nic and toms excellent adventure

Nic and Toms online journal of the New zealand and South east Asia trip. Hope you guys all enjoy. please feel free to leave comments on here. Oh yea if you wanna see the pics bigger just click on them. Cheers, Tom

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is Our Reality Pic's.

As promised some more pics for you to enjoy, so this is the offical last entry. We will keep you updated on our next adventures becuase we aint finished with the traveling game just yet. See you all later!!
To get to Ton Sai you need one of these. A long boat! They are real fun to ride in but are so noisey.

A day at the market, the chicken was real good.

If your not climbing you might aswell come and spend a day here on Pra nang beach!

Getting the locals involved in rest day activites, 'The slack line'.

Tom on one of the beach classics at Dum's Kitchen. 'The Lion King' 6c+

Tom showing how it should be done on the Ton Sai wall climbing the mega classic 'Hin Rong Hai' (crying rock) 6c.

One of the most atmospheric climbs we done in Thailand this climb is actually in a cave you feel like the cave is swallowing you up. Tom climbing on 'Best Route in Minnesota' The Escher wall 6c.

Same climb, different climber (nic) but the shot was taken in a different direction.

Night time entertainment!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This Is Our Reality

Ok, here it is the last blog entry of what we can only say has been the ultimate trip of a life time (but we will try to up load some more pics for you so prehaps this is the second from last entry).
Sorry for the delay but we are still adjusting to home life again but we seem to be settling in all right. Oh yeah so back to that ultimate trip thingy. In total I spent six weeks in Thailand and Tom had just over 4 weeks we had a few problems with our tickets but thats a very long and boring story so we aint gonna go there, but ths why we couldnt come home together.
For us it seemed that Thailand had it all once you were on Ton Sai the rest of the world was soon forgotten you some how fall into this perfect little paradise that all climbers and travelers dream about.
It didnt matter if you were climbing real hard grades or if you were just starting out everyone gives you a cheer if your on a climb or offer you advice. In the evening the 'sports action' would begin where all the climbers would try to send there projects which they have been working for a few days the conditions would usually be perfect the fact the sun had gone down was the main key and this light breeze would pick up and keep the mozzies away. And if you managed to get to the top huge cheers would bellow out at the base of the cliffs from the spectaters. To be honest I think thats what is so special about climbing at Ton Sai apart from the huge mass of climbing that is to be done there the atmosphere that the people make is inspiring and it does help you get to the top!
After a big day out at the crags we would all meet up in the evening at a restaurant and gather around a huge table to indulge in some dam fine thai food and chat about the days events and it was always washed down with a banana smoothie. And hey geuss what the next day it would all happen again.
So there it is, we cant believe that its over a truly life changing experience. To all of the people that kept in touch with us via this blog and emails we thank you so much for the messages and of course to all the people we met and the great friends we made through out the last six months. All you made our dream come true.
To all of you who are still out there continue to have a great time and to those who are back we shall see ya soon!!!
We are the dudes and we do abide, take her easy!!
Nothing but a bunch of beach bums.

The lagoon, which was a right mission to get to but well worth the effort.

Our bungalow. Not bad for just over £2 a night!

Nic on 'Blind, Deaf and Dumb' 7b+

This is what it was all about. Great climbing, great views.

One of many great days at a cragg, Us and the guys at a crag called

'Hidden World'.

Spot the climber, oh and whats that underneath. Thats where the bar is!

On the same climb as above but a bit higher. This is the part where the holds on the main face run out and you have to turn onto the staligtite behind you.

This is the cliff face where the last two pics were taken. The climb finishes about 3/4 of the way up this huge cliff and is one of the must do climbs here titled 'Humanality' 6b+.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Hello everyone, we just tried to upload some photos but it all went wrong and i ended up deleting the lot as it uploaded the same image 6 times and qiute honestly looked crap!
So we are sorry but the images will have to wait.
Well what an adventure we have been having so far, we landed in Kualu lumpur over 2 weeks ago yes i know we have been slack but beach life is to easy! Our basic day consists of waking up eating, climbing and sleeping.
Oh yeah back to Kualu Lumper we manged to get a place in Chinatown for something that had basic facilities like a bed and a fan, what more do you need? And for less than 1 pound each it wasnt to bad. The hustle and bustle of night life in china town was very exciting with the sounds of all the cooking stalls and the smell of the food was amazing we just had to try some.
We booked a night bus the next day to take us to Thailand the bus was very upmarket with reclining seats and amazing air con. Getting over the border was very easy with a dude he stamps your passport and doesnt even look at your face but who cares, bonza we had entry to thai for 30 days.
We got to a town called Krabi after getting on another bus and driving for another 5 hours after spending all night on the prevoius bus. All we had to do now was get on a boat and get to Ton Sai for world class limestone cliffs that sprouted out if the ground like a huge pine forest in other words the climbing was everywhere you looked.
We have managed to get a real sweet bungalow that has great view of the climbing that surrounds us and it only cost a little over 2 pound a night. We have met up with some friends from New Zealand which is real great to see them all again and of course we have made lots of new friends aswell.
Alot of the cliffs are above the sea or right on a beach or in the jungle where ever you climb the atmosphere is real wild we have even climbed in side a cave which was really far out.
There is so much to do here we just dont have enough time but thats ok because thats a good enough excuse to come back here.
We are coming home soon not to sur when but keep an eye out for us because you never know when we will turn up!
Really lookin forward to our friends h & j coming out soon cant wait to see you two and yes the weather is real hot but we have just had 5 days of rain so it aint all sun the whole time!
Going to try and upload some photos soon but dont hold your hopes!
Loads of love to you all especially our little big sister hope you recover from the op ok.
See ya soon love nic and tom

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This is the end, bah bah baaaah, beau-ti-ful nz

And so here it is, the end is nigh but not totally over yet. This here is our last New Zealand blog entry and we cant beleive its over, where did 5 months go??
After our last session at Paynes we had to try and get back down to castle hill for one more full on bouldering masacre, but unfortunatly fate had other plans. We drove up from Christchurch to get to Arthurs pass, where castle hill resides only to be turned away from a huge dump of snow not even with the mighty force of Charlotte behind us we still could not pass, so back to Christchurch we went with our tails between our legs.
We checked in at a hostal called the kiwi house which is now 'base camp'. We spent 11 days at the car market trying to give Charlotte a new home but it seemed our luck had run out, as on the 11th day we had our first real interested ausie guy who wanted to take her out for a test drive and he seemed keen to buy her, hopes were high......
Then half way through the drive he wanted to check out the power of her 4wd. Charlotte was obviously having 'womens problems' that day and decided to be in a bitch of a mood. 4wd selected and clunk clunk chug chug bang!!!! Charlotte was no more. The centre diff which is a key component to the 4wd broke, leaving us with an uninterested buyer and a mere shadow of a van. bummer!!!
It would cost us alot more than we could afford to get her fixed up so our only resort was to sell her for what she was worth, which was not alot. Fortunatly a mechanic bought her for $500 which is the best offer we had.
In this kind of situation we could only laugh at our bad luck and just remembered all the awsome times Charlotte has given us......
Its our last night in Christchurch tonight and we fly out tomorrow and on to Thailand, we wont be there for as long as we wanted but heh were still going to make the most out of the time we have left.
Only one pic for this entry, this is every place we checked out in New Zealand, this map was due to boredom on an extremly rainy day.......

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Where is everybody?

So, we finally managed to pry ourselves away from Wanaka, after 2 months of full on climbing, parties and good times we decided it was time to leave and go back to 'The Bay'. Driving up through the west coast in terenchal weather for the first few days then as we got nearer the north of the island it cheered up (abit). We stopped off at the Fox glacier, and the Franz Josef and also checked out a few lakes.
Back in Golden Bay where hang dog is now totally deserted (possibly due to the plague), we done our usual climbing thang and also checked out a new area by the sea called Pohara, which consisted of a huge 'slab' which was actually over hanging (bizzare) with huge holds. On a rest day we took a recomended drive up to Whairiki Bay which was awsome. Its situataed just to the west of farewell spit, so right up on the north of the south island. A real tranquil walk up steady grassy nolls then down on to one of the most picturesque beaches we have been on, strolling along untouched sand. On the return walk we heard some splashing down by the river, at first we decided it was dolphins (dont ask) but wasnt sure so we took on a little mission to get down to the river bank. We scrambled through trees and shrubs then strategically placed ourselves in the reeds to observe the 'dolphins' which actually turned out to be seals. We stayed hidden for a while taking photos and David Attenburgh style videos then decided let the fellas splash on in peace.

Pohara, climbing.

The first rule is........

Lake Manapouri

dirty'little' Fox Glacier

walking into the Fox

Tom trying for the repeat of 'Spotty Britt' - but failed, bummer

Nic leading 'Fearless vampire killers'

A view from Pohara

One Pohara's little nasties....

Whairiki Bay

Raising the dead, practising the black arts and conversing with Satan....

Captains log stardate 23.9 rounded off to the nearest decimal point.
Well actually the date was 06/06/06 so we decided to abandon civilisation in fear of the four horseman of the apocalypse spreading general chaos across the land and plunging the earth into eternal darkness,ohhhhh.
With enough supplys to last us for a few days and carrying all our climbing gear we set off into the unknown of the Kahurangi national park in search of virgin rock that we knew no one had climbed before.
We also had a little help from our friend Chris who talked us into this mission in the first place.
With packs that wieghed in at 25 kilo's + it took us well over 5 hours to reach our hut which would be our base camp for the next few days. Kitted out with bunk beds and a woodburner living wasnt going to be to bad!
The next day was an early start and fueled up with a good breakfast we headed out in search of new climbs. We hiked to the top of Sentinal rock which gave us a panaramic view of the whole area at height of 1600m. Spotting out a few lines, we went to check them out. The first was this prominent crack that sank deep into the rock and went up for about 20 - 25 meters, Nic was up first to check it out and after being on the climb for a few meters I realised that i had forgotten the climbing gear and had to down climb it to retrieve the gear!! Woops! So the first climb was all most a complete success, once we all got to the top the climb was named 'Gear Amnesia'. (The general rule in climbing is that if you climb it first its upto you what the name of the route should be.)
On the walk down we spyed out our next conquest, an obvious line straight up a face with numerous channels to place gear. Chris was on lead and soon made short work of the line cruising to the top without any worries. Due to previous Fast Show episodes the climb was titled 'Channel 9'. Also due to a debate between who is hotter out of Paris Hilton and Angelina Jolie we named the wall 'Paris vs Angie Wall'.
And it just keeps getting better, the next day we took on this huge scary slab. We decided to break it up into seperate pitches, 3 in total. Chris took the first pitch and climbed it with great style as he took on the direct bouldery start. Then it was Nic's turn on to claim the second pitch a good line of channels with good gear but spaced well apart. As i climbed higher the channels got a lot wider than expected and places for gear got very thin so i stepped across to a good side pull jug and managed to thread a small sling through a gap to protect myself from a fall. The next break in the rock was over 15m away and nothing but a blank slab to climb to get to it, very slowly i worked my way up the slab and to be honest i was terrified of the thought of a huge fall but with good foot work i made it to the next belay and let out a welcome sigh of relief!
The weather was starting to close in on us so speed was essential to get to the top, Chris took the next lead up easy ground and we all followed safely to top out and titled the climb 'Scorchio' (another fast show moment) and hence the name of the wall 'The Fast Wall'.
With us all safely back on the ground we stood back to gaze at what madness we had just done. Choice one!!!
All that was left for us to do was spot out future projects and get the hell out of there.
We hiked back to the van and to our surprise civiliastion was still there, obviously the four horse men were on holiday in Hawai sipping margaritas by the pool. Satan was not impressed!!

Hiking up to 1600

Spooky goings on in the hut.

The start of the walk.

Home sweet home.

look, theres a tree

'Gear Amnesia'

On top of Sentinal Rock and Nics leg has grown a meter,
possibly due to climatization....

First ascent of 'G.A'

Chris cruising 'Channel 9'

Mt Owen on the left there, Gandalf nearly met his doom around this area
so legend tells us.....


and below, come on guys Angie is the winner

Monday, May 22, 2006

Road Trippin' no2.

Heh every one, hope all is well, just another update to make everyone even more jealous, this trip just gets better.......
So we left you last in Wanaka now about to leave for the 2 week road trip, with our hostages in hand we made a move. We started off with driving to the Fiordlands which is home to the mighty impressive Milford Sound, this place is just out of this world. To get there is a long drive next to a lake through random places such as 'knob's flat' then through Homer tunnel and BAM Milford hits you. Imense winding roads through cut through cliffs with lush water falls pouring out of every crack and crevice. Then you get to the sleepy village of Milford with just breath taking tranquility surrounding you. Unfortunatly we could not do the famous milford track (a really sweet 3-4 day trek) because the prices were just through the roof, and the weather wasnt great but thats why they call it the wet lands i guess.
So we decided to cruise on through to the Catlins. So many people have told us how amazing this place is and nothing anyone said even came close to justifying the beauty of this forest wonderland, i was blown away, totally out-there!!! But of course things go wrong and we couldnt find a decent place to camp, it was getting dark, and the rain was in full force. We all got tiried of driving and took our first stop we could find. That night we all crambed into Arja's van and ate a simple but awsome (as usual) meal.The next day we woke up to a sign saying 'Scrub huts corner' -quite fitting we thought.
We then invaded the coast line, first stop was Waipapa point. We got out of the vans and had a strool around. As i was walking around i nearly tripped over 2 pretty big sea lions!!!!! wow man!!!! we were so close to these awsome creatures and they were just chillin out not really bothered by our presence we took some snaps and strolled along the beach, -what a start. We were all so happy, it was an amazing feeling being that close to wildlife in there natual habitat. Slope point came on next a small walk above the cliffs to the most southernly point in NZ.
We cruised around for a few days just checking out various points on the maps that seemed interesting We had a really good night at 'Tautuku Bay' where I kind of turned into nature boy and spent a few hours in the forest collecting fire wood then tie-ing them up with vines to make bundles to carry to camp, unfortunatly the majority of wood was really damp and the fire was abismal but heh still a cool little jungle adventure for us.....
We really wanted to do a tramp in thr Catlins but what a surprise the weather was having none of it!!!! It started raining at a moderate rate then got harder and harder (at this point were trying to cook our 3 breakfasts) then it started hailing- morale was low so we decided to get out of this weather a.s.a.p. and so we had a night in Dunedin, not much to report about Dunedin its just another city, but not as bad as Queenstown!!! DO NOT GO THERE!!!
Any way nic and mans decided to get out of the city and explored the peninsula whilst myself and arja went on a tattoo and piercing mission which leaded us to Mosgiel, a town just outside of Dunedin. We got everything we wanted done and met some truly amazing people in the process (cheers guys).
We then went to catch up with the guys but checked out a couple of places in between that were recomended along the way. One of which was 'Shag point'. We wasnt expecting much but were almost knocked over when we saw all the fur seals, there were loads, it was amazing. There was this one dude who almost stood to attention when i pulled the camera out, when i walked away from him he kept on almost shouting at me so i went back to him and he stoped as i took more photos- i went through alot of film to keep him happy!!!! But it was an unforgettable experience it was so humbling just to be in there presence.
We also checked out these ancient boulders called 'Moeraki Boulders' which is lots of what looks like huge cannon balls just littering a beach front. The whole place a spooky kinda atmosphere all these things looked like crashed U.F.O 's.
Back with the lads now, we caught up with them at Elephant boulders. A place where apparently 'The lion the witch.......etc' was filmed, or so some Japanese tourists told us. However we didnt care for that much the climbing was too good. Arja then decided to head off as she had work back at Wanaka, so we decided to do some detours throgh the middle of Otago (the region we are in). We took on some really hairy roads and put Charlotte to the limit, but she came out on top form (good ol girl). Our last night we camped in literally the middle of nowhere just a huge hilly open space with a border line of 2 differant mountain ranges, there was no civilisation for miles it was so sureal. To finish off the trip we decided to try and walk up one of the mountains that surrounded us, all was going well steadily getting higher and higher, and the snow was becoming deeper and deeper, and then the wind starts showing us whos boss, it was so windy we were all being blown over. Walking became increasingly difficult so we decided to bail it was just getting to dangerous so we backed off. Mother nature seriously can give you a kick up the arse when she wants to.But man did we have some fun up there.
So back to Wanaka but the mission was still not over, we all thought it was time to abuse our livers and get excesivly drunk. The night went exactly as planned. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! what a trip.... check out the pics below, they are in no paticular order. until the next time, tom

sitting ducks, at Elephant Rocks

Dirty Shakers of Joy all round

The crew, at one of the awsome parties we had at the house in Wanaka

Sunset at one of our camps in Duntroon

Twilight, Tautuku Bay

This is what its all about

Nic on lead, Mans on drums, Tom on bass, man we rock

yup thats Milford

Some poor dude who lost his way

Sea lions at Waipapa Point